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Cre8tive Energy

Claim Your Peace

Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 USD
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This Mala is specifically designed for someone who is facing challenges in life and are seeking to regain their inner peace. The stones have the power to draw peace into every aspect of your life, providing a sense of tranquility and balance.

The stones used are: Clear Quartz, Maifanite, White Jade and Coral Agate

Mantra: “I deserve peace, security, and harmony. I attract calm vibrations into my life. I focus on the things I can control & let go of what I can’t.”

This Mala has been charged and sealed with intention.

It will come in a beautiful velvet bag and will have the stone meanings, as well as how to use your Mala.

The thread used on this piece is Nylon for those who are against silk.




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