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Cre8tive Energy

Scorpio Necklace

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Made with adjustable leather cording

Each zodiac has top crystals that are best suited for them. 

* October 23rd - November 21st- *

Black Obsidian: helps when Scorpio's are in deep thought and battling confusion. It will also help them find their triggers, allowing them to be more calm. 

Yellow Citrine: helps with Scorpio's motivation, enhancing prosperity, wealth, and success. It also helps with depression and phobias. 

Pink Rhodonite: Scorpio can have strong jealous traits, which in return can affect others. This stone is said to protect against negative feelings. 

Amethyst: Since Scorpio's need more support in the aspect of spiritual awareness, Amethyst can keep their mind balanced while keeping certain things to themselves. It will give them peace of mind and aid in making them comfortable enough to share their thoughts.

Blue Lapis Lazuli:  This stone is known for being an aid to battle extreme emotional turmoil such as: emotional abuse, depression, grief, and trauma. Scorpio's are known to keep things to themselves, so this helps them open up. When this is achieved better communication and a sense of security will follow.

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